COAL Prize 2023
Tijekom Festival de l’historie de l’art u Chateau de Fontainebleau, Francuska, 04.06.2023. objavljene su nominacije za međunarodnu nagradu COAL Art and Enviroment Prize, organizacije COAL (Coalition for Cultural Ecology): od 757 projekata iz 57 zemalja izabrano je 10 finalista među kojima je selektiran i naš projekt FACING THE SUN, slijedeća faza projekta SLUŠAJ ŠUME!.
Svečana ceremonija održati će se u Parizu u Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature 06.12.2023. kada ćemo publici predstaviti projekt, izložiti multimedijalnu instalaciju i izvesti performans.
Ponosni smo što je ugledni žiri prepoznao naš rad, i što smo postali dio COAL obitelji, organizacije koju smatramo jednom od najvažnijih u podršci i promicanju umjetničko-ekoloških projekata.
Sve o sudjelovanju Demirela Pašalića i Azre Svedružić na eventu SANSE RESERVE na COAL PRIX 2023. možete pronaći na
Više o COAL-u pročitajte na poveznici
Detaljnije o ovogodišnjoj nagradi COAL PLant! Prize
With Plante! the COAL 2023 Prize invites artists from all over the world to sow the seeds of creation and action, to germinate new research and experimentation, so that inventive and resilient plant-based thinking can flourish in the world to come. This fourteenth edition of the Prix COAL is a call to action, to marcotter, to nurture, to reiterate, to hybridize. A call to feel the richness of the plant, its balances and its dynamics, from the seed to the calyx, from the molecule to the ecosystem.
The COAL 2023 Prize’s international call for projects, inviting artists to take up the subject of plants, attracted 757 entries from artists in 57 countries. This success reflects the growing commitment of artists to the environment and ecological issues.
Rita Alaoui (Morocco), Lawsonia Cataplasm Garden
Al-Wah’at Collective (Palestine/United Kingdom/Spain), Wild Hedges
Laura Cinti (United Kingdom), AI in the Sky
Fabiana Ex-Souza (Brazil), Trouxas de mandinga
Shivay La Multiple (France/New Caledonia), Talking skies
Sandra Lorenzi (France), Vert(s) FOUGÈRES
Barbara Mydlak (Poland), The book of extinction
Jean-Sébastien Poncet (France), The Knotweed Farm
Azra Svedruzic & Demirel Pašalić (Croatia), Facing the Sun
Paula Valero Comín (Spain), ATLAS / Rosa Luxemburg Resistant Herbarium
JURY 2023:
Cathy Bouvard, Director of the Ateliers Médicis
Thomas Delage, Head of the Mobilising Citizens for Biodiversity Department at the Office Français de la Biodiversité
Maïté Delmas, Honorary Attaché of the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, co-chair of the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation
Catherine Dobler, Founder of the LAccolade Foundation
Alexia Fabre, Director of the Beaux-Arts de Paris
Christine Germain-Donnat, Director of the Museum of Hunting and Nature
Olivier Lerude, Ministry of Culture
Michael Marder, Philosopher, IKERBASQUE Professor at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) Vitoria-Gasteiz
Alexandra McIntosh, Director of CIAP – Île de Vassivière, centre for contemporary art of national interest
Stéphanie Pécourt, Director of the Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles/Paris
Erik Samakh, Artist
Irène Varano, Sales Director of the ArtConcept Gallery
The COAL Prize is supported by the European Union through the European cooperation programme ACT – Art Climate Transition, the French Office for Biodiversity, the Museum of Hunting and Nature, the Fondation François Sommer and the Fondation LAccolade, as well as by a partnership with the Centre Wallonie Bruxelles/Paris and the Ateliers Médicis.
The French Office for Biodiversity (OFB) is a public institution dedicated to the protection of biodiversity. With its 3,000 agents, it carries out missions to improve knowledge, to police the environment and it works by mobilising society through a group of actors, decision-makers and citizens around biodiversity.
The François Sommer Foundation was founded in 1966 by François and Jacqueline Sommer, pioneers in the implementation of a humanist ecology. Faithful to the commitments of its founders, it works towards the respectful use of natural resources, for sharing the wealth of natural, artistic and cultural heritage and for the protection of a biodiversity in which mankind find its proper place.
LAccolade Foundation’s main goal is to support, promote and encourage artistic creation. It pays special attention to creations, approaches, projects, and actions that are carried by artists in connection with the themes of water, the environment, the fragility of the living and feminism. It also aims to enhance and promote the heritage, that is to say the legacy of women who have had historical or artistic importance.
The Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles/Paris. Through a resolutely de-analytical and transdisciplinary programme, the Centre is mandated to disseminate and promote the work of artists based in the Walloon Federation of Brussels. In this way, it promotes emerging or established approaches, from the periphery to the established.
The Ateliers Médicis are committed to bringing out new and diverse artistic voices and to supporting artists with singular and contemporary languages. They welcome artists from all disciplines in residence and support the creation of works that are thought out in connection with the territories. They encourage or organise encounters between artists and residents. Located in Clichy-sous-Bois and Montfermeil in the department of Seine-Saint-Denis, near Paris, they occupy a prefiguration building. A large-scale facility with national ambitions will be built by 2025, reaffirming the place of artistic creation in the suburbs.
Created in 2010 by the COAL association, the COAL Prize has in forteen years become a vehicle for the identification, promotion and dissemination of artists all over the world who dare to imagine and experiment, to transform territories, lifestyles, organizations and production methods. Together, they contribute to making changes visible, in building a new collective narrative, a new imaginary world, a common heritage, a positive, optimistic and necessary framework, to help everyone find the means and the motivation to implement necessary changes for a shared and livable Earth.